- Title: Chalo Bhai Chalo Shakha Mai Chalo
- Genre: Shakha
- Language: Hindi
- Theme: Rakshabandhan
- Length: 2:10 minutes (1.99 MB)
- Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
थोडी देर अब तुम सब काम भुलो चलो
भाई चलो संग संग चलो
आज के दिन ज़रा हंसो और खेलो ॥
राम कृष्ण के वारिस हम
गर्व से कहते हिन्दु हम
भग्वा ध्वज है पुज्य परम
वन्दन उसे करो संग संग चलो ॥
जीजा का मातृत्व हमे
शौर्य लक्ष्मी का है तन मे
मौसी जी कि आन हमे
आगे बढो और संग संग चलो ॥
छोटे छोटे बच्चे हम
काम बडा करेंगे हम
धर्म की रक्षा करेंगे हम
कहेंगे वन्दे मातरम ॥
शाखा मे है REAL FUN
कबड्डि खो खो मे रम्ता मन
करो योगा भुलो गम
कदम मिलओ और संग संग चलो ॥
calo BA^^I calo SAKA me calo
thoDI dera aba tuma saba kAma Bulo calo
BA^^I calo sanga sanga calo
Aja ke dina zarA hanso aura Kelo ||
rAma kRuShNa ke vArisa hama
garva se kahate hindu hama
BagvA dhvaja hai pujya parama
vandana use karo sanga sanga calo ||
jIjA kA mAtRutva hame
Saurya lakShmI kA hai tana me
mausI jI ki Ana hame
Age baDho aura sanga sanga calo ||
CoTe CoTe bacce hama
kAma baDA karenge hama
dharma kI rakShA karenge hama
kahenge vande mAtarama ||
kabaDDi Ko Ko me ramtA mana
karo yogA Bulo gama
kadama mila^^o aura sanga sanga calo ||
Atu sunder
satyam gupta | Apr 20 2017 - 14:36
ये मौसी जी कौन हैं?
Anonymous | Oct 2 2015 - 16:16
मौसीजी महिला शाखा की संस्थापिका है |पूरा नाम लक्ष्मी बाई केलकर है |
Anonymous | Sep 4 2017 - 04:50
Maosi ka matlab bharat mata
Arpit gupta | Jun 21 2016 - 06:50
aaj shakha par isi ka gayan karunga
Harishankar | May 17 2015 - 03:19
nice song,keep up work
Anonymous | Jan 23 2011 - 02:57
Really it is nice song..sakha mei sishu aur taruno ko bahut aacha laga
Prabhat | Jan 15 2009 - 13:50
Wonderful song ,keep it up
Anonymous | Nov 14 2007 - 03:21
I heard this geet sung by 7/8 Shishus, in a Parivar Shibir of the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh in the USA.
Oh, the enchanting little voices of those 6/7 year old girls and boys were so cute and sweet!
To enjoy this geeet in the true spirit, I would request all to get this sung by similar kids at their respective places, if they know Hindi or not.
RVChitnis | Jul 22 2007 - 01:58
Hi Namasté
Rakasha Abhinundun to all !!
I am from Mauritius and RAKSHA BANDHAN ( tomorrow Sat 16th August 2008 )will be celebrated with much pomp and pageantry among the Hindus who constitiute about 56 % of the Mauritian population.
My son is coming to SAN FRANCISCO soon. Please give me your contact no and some family background.
[email protected]
Veenaud | Aug 15 2008 - 10:10
I really enjoyed listining this Geet chalo bhai chalo shakha mai chalo after many years.
vishnu Nimavet | Jun 19 2007 - 11:53
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