Hindu Mission is Prerana

  • Title: Hindu Mission is Prerana
  • Genre: Hinduism
  • Language: English
  • Length: 2:35 minutes (2.37 MB)
  • Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 128Kbps (CBR)
If you have the lyrics (words) of this song, please send it to us by submitting it in the comments section below. Thanks!

its fantastic....i liked it

i like it

though language is different theme is very good @ same.

Hindu Mission is Prerana
Hindu Mission is Prerana
Mai Sadhna Neo Sandhna,
Sadhna true Sandhna
Ganga is for purity
Himalaya for eternity
Song and Dance of Dharma
is the Shakha spirit of quality
||Hindu Mission||
Shakha is through Krishna thought
Bhagawa is the master sought
in our struggles of life and work
follow what the Gita taught
follow what the Gita taught
||Hindu Mission||
Shine of wealth is charity
need of hour is unity
peace and tranquil process is the
Keshava vision of clarity
Keshava vision of clarity
||Hindu Mission||

The lyrics are good

its very beautiful sites of songs i like very much

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