Hindu Sara Eak-हिंदू सारा एक

  • Title: Hindu Sara Ek
  • Genre: Hinduism
  • Language: Marathi
  • Length: 4:16 minutes (1.71 MB)
  • Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 56Kbps (CBR)

हिंदू सारा एक मंत्र हा दाहि दिशांना घुमवू या
धरती-नभ-पातळहि भारु प्राण पणाला लावूया ॥ध्रु॥

उच्चनीचता तण जाळावे धगधगत्या कर्त्रुत्वाने
समाज रसरसता अर्वाचिन पुनः निर्मुया यत्नाने
खचलेला अभिमान जागवू पिचली ह्रुदये सांधूया ॥१॥

कोणी नाही शत्रू आपूला प्रेमाने अवकाश भरु
चारित्र्याच्या आधारावर हिंदूराष्ट्र हे नव उभवू
समन्वयाने नम्रपणाने विद्रोहाला शमवूया ॥२॥

सामाजिक सन्मान निवारा समान सर्वा लाभावा
अन्न-वस्त्र-संस्कार लाभही सहजपणे सर्वा लाभावा
हीच एकता, समता, ममता, पथ ऐक्याचा चालूया ॥३॥

निज सत्वाची जाणिव नसता राष्ट्रजीवनी अर्थ नसे
परंपरा, इतिहास, पराक्रम आठव नुसाता व्यर्थ असे
कोटी मनांना सवे घेऊनी वैभव सारे मिळवू या ॥४॥

समाजभक्ति हीच प्रेरणा राष्ट्रभक्ति हे रुप तिचे
देशद्रोही निष्प्रभ होतील, दर्शन घडता शक्तिचे
विचार येतील अमरत्वाचे सर्व जगाला देऊया ॥५॥

आज कसोटी पुरुषार्थाची, व्यक्तित्वाच्या समर्पणाची
माय भूमीच्या पायी वाहू ओंजळ निज कर्त्रुत्वाची
अग्निपरिक्षा कोणॊ घेता सुवर्ण तेजे तळपुया ॥६॥

hiMdU sArA eka maMtra hA dAhi diSAMnA GumavU yA
dharatI-naBa-pAtaLahi BAru prANa paNAlA lAvUyA ||dhru||

uccanIcatA taNa jALAve dhagadhagatyA kartrutvAne
samAja rasarasatA arvAcina punaH nirmuyA yatnAne
KacalelA aBimAna jAgavU picalI hrudaye sAMdhUyA ||1||

koNI nAhI SatrU ApUlA premAne avakASa Baru
cAritryAcyA AdhArAvara hiMdUrAShTra he nava uBavU
samanvayAne namrapaNAne vidrohAlA SamavUyA ||2||

sAmAjika sanmAna nivArA samAna sarvA lABAvA
anna-vastra-saMskAra lABahI sahajapaNe sarvA lABAvA
hIca ekatA, samatA, mamatA, patha aikyAcA cAlUyA ||3||

nija satvAcI jANiva nasatA rAShTrajIvanI artha nase
paraMparA, itihAsa, parAkrama AThava nusAtA vyartha ase
koTI manAMnA save Ge^^UnI vaiBava sAre miLavU yA ||4||

samAjaBakti hIca preraNA rAShTraBakti he rupa tice
deSadrohI niShpraBa hotIla, darSana GaDatA Saktice
vicAra yetIla amaratvAce sarva jagAlA de^^UyA ||5||

Aja kasoTI puruShArthAcI, vyaktitvAcyA samarpaNAcI
mAya BUmIcyA pAyI vAhU oMjaLa nija kartrutvAcI
agniparikShA koNO GetA suvarNa teje taLapuyA ||6||

Let's turn the one Hindu Mantra in the right direction
Dharati-nabh-patlahi bharu prana pana lavuya ॥ध्रु॥
Lets fill up the earth, the cosmos with all our energy
The weeds should be burned with high intensity
With the effort to re-create the society
Let's wake up the worn-out pride, let's heal the broken hearts.

Let no enemy fill your space with love
Hindu country will emerge on the basis of character
Let's put an end to the rebellion with coordination and humility.

Social dignity shelters should benefit all equally
Food-clothing-culture benefits should also be easily available to all
This is the path of unity, equality, affection, unity.

National life would not have meaning without awareness of one's own essence
Tradition, history, heroism were useless
Let's get all the glory by taking care of millions of minds.

Social devotion is her inspiration, patriotism is her form
The traitors will fade away, the power of darshan happening
Thoughts will come. Let's give immortality to the whole world.

Today the test is of masculinity, of personality dedication
At the feet of my land, the flow of water is my own

jai shri ram

a great song. originally sung by Mr.Sudhir phadake a wel-known singer in maharashtra in biggest shibir ever at Taljai - Pune. Inspired more than 35000 swayamsevaks in shibir !

great song..

brownie-the dog.

jai mahrashtra

jai hindurastra..

Jai Shriram,
Great work you are doing my swayamsevak bandhu, Only one request can i get some more geet's here

These are great efforts by all of you.
Thanks to SwamSevak Bandhus for all the inspiratory
songs made available for over the World...!

Hats off to you...!

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