Bal sagar samaj hove-बल सागर समाज होवे

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बल सागर समाज होवे रवि समान जगमे सोहे ॥धृ॥

संकल्प करे मनस मे सर्वस्व लिये हाथोमे
भूमाता के चरणोमे अर्पण कर हम मिट जावे ॥१॥

हाथोमे हाथ मिले हो हृदयोसे हृदय जुडे हो
ऐक्य मन्त्र मुख मे नित हो सत्कार्य हेतु सब आवे ॥२॥

व्यक्ति व्यक्ति का अनुशासन बलवान समाज चिरंतन
जय वैभव का आश्वासन यह परिवर्तन फिर लावे ॥३॥

जनसेवा ईश्वर भक्ति जागृत हो समाज शक्ति
इसमे ही जीवन मुक्ती अब जीवन कृतार्थ होवे ॥४॥

bala sāgara samāja hove ravi samāna jagame sohe ||dhṛ||

saṁkalpa kare manasa me sarvasva liye hāthome
bhūmātā ke caraṇome arpaṇa kara hama miṭa jāve ||1||

hāthome hātha mile ho hṛdayose hṛdaya juḍe ho
aikya mantra mukha me nita ho satkārya hetu saba āve ||2||

vyakti vyakti kā anuśāsana balavāna samāja ciraṁtana
jaya vaibhava kā āśvāsana yaha parivartana phira lāve ||3||

janasevā īśvara bhakti jāgṛta ho samāja śakti
isame hī jīvana muktī aba jīvana kṛtārtha hove ||4||

Let the society be strong, It should shine like the sun.

Let us make a solemn resolution for sake of humanity, to offer ourselves at the feet of
mother Earth. Let us completely dedicate ourselves for the cause.

Let us join our hands and let the hearts meet. The song of unity should always be on the
tips of the tongue. Let us all come together for this noble cause.

By developing personal discipline, the whole society gains strength. This is the only
guarantee for victory and prosperity. We will bring such change in society.

Service to the people is service to God. We will awaken society and invoke strength in it.
Now, this will be the only salvation (moksha) and satisfaction for me.


Jay dasev

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